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Rules, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy

Terms and Conditions

The following are the rules for entering The Pearview Gallery’s (TPG) art exhibitions. It is important to read the rules and procedures before submitting work to us.
Please follow the theme of each competition. This is critical. If you have questions regarding the theme and its interpretation, contact us at We will help you with the application process.

Please read and be sure you understand thoroughly The Pearview Gallery procedures for participating in our monthly art competition.

• Entries must follow the competition theme if there is one.
• Competition is open to all 2 and 3-dimensional artists.
• Competition is open to amateur and professional artists.
• Photography & Digital Arts are included but video is excluded.
• Competition is international.
• Artists 18 years old and older may apply.
• Files must be in .jpg, .jpeg, or .png format.
• Files may not exceed 5MB.
• Images may only be entered.
• No art previously shown on TPG website may be re-submitted.
• Experimental and mixed techniques are welcome.

If you have questions regarding the exhibition theme or rules, please contact us at




Six winning artists will be selected for the Overall Category, chosen from the three (3) media categories. Each media category will have a first, second, and third place as well as two honorable mention awards. There will be Special Recognition awards for each media category. This applied to juried shows only.
• The top  six winning artists selected for the Overall Category will be selected from the different media categories. Each media category will have a first, second, third place as well as three honorable mention awards. This applied to juried shows only.
• There will be Special Recognition awards for each media category. This applied to juried shows only.
• By having their work on the TPG website, winning artists should increase exposure to their work, enhance their professional resume and create a high-quality backlink to their own website.
• After the art show closes each month, the exhibition will remain in the TPG Archive for 1 year to be viewed by website visitors and be available to be promoted by the artist through their personal art portfolio.
• TPG will promote the winning artists of each exhibition via email, online press releases, online event promotions and social media marketing to art collectors, art gallery owners and directors and related art professionals. This applied to juried shows only.

See exhibition specific form for pricing. There Is No Return of Any Entry Fees.


See the TPG website for the deadline for this month’s competition.


Select exhibition on the Call for Artists form.


Prepare your images before beginning the submission process. Submissions are only accepted via the TPG online process.

• Digital image files must meet the following specifications:
• JPG files only
• Minimum width dimension is 1000 pixels on the longest side.
• Resolution of 72
• JPG compression quality of 12 (or the highest quality setting)
• Do not send images of your artwork, which are framed or contain watermarks.

We only need the title of the image. Please fill out the entire form. If the submitted images are not sized properly, the artist understands that TPG may have to resize and crop the images to conform to the format constraints.
The file name may not include characters such as #, $, &, periods or other similar characters as part of the file, and it is important to follow these instructions about the file name to allow the right storage into the image database.
Image name may not exceed 40 characters. Please note that the image name is the name of the artwork, not the file name.

When submitting your entries, we ask that you provide a short bio (100 Word Limit), written in the third person. Tell us a little bit about yourself: your artistic training, your artistic inspiration, media choice, any special techniques used, any prior exhibitions… anything that you might like our patrons and visitors to know about you. Also, include your website URL.

Every artist whose artwork is chosen for an art exhibition will receive an email notification. For juried exhibitions, artists who have not been chosen will receive an email notifying them that their artwork was not selected, along with the results of that art competition.

The artwork submitted to our competitions will be judged based on the following elements of artistic expression:
• Interpretation and the clarity of the theme to the viewer.
• Creativity and originality of the depicted theme.
• Quality of artistic composition and overall design based on the theme, and overall impression of the art. 

Juried show jurors will be announced with each exhibition.

Please review the dates of each exhibition for deadlines and themes in the website’s posts or pages.

TPG does not participate in any sales of art. All purchase inquiries will be referred directly back to the artist for disposition.

Artists who submit their artwork to The Pearview Gallery (TPG) website for an art exhibition and have any of their submitted artwork chosen for participation in the subsequent art exhibition agree to the following; That TPG be granted usage of the chosen artwork, only for display, marketing and promotional purposes for that art exhibition, and for any future TPG themed art exhibitions and that usage of that image(s) is limited to any TPG press releases, TPG event presentations, TPG articles, TPG graphics, TPG slide shows, TPG presentations, TPG event materials and for use on the TPG website.
The artist further agrees that TPG can maintain an archive of the chosen artwork for a period of 1 year after the competition for the purpose of a historical documentation and as a record of past themed shows. This archive will be available for public viewing and be limited to the TPG website ( TPG will credit each image creator with their Artist Name, File Name, and the Artist Website, if applicable. The Artist shall maintain all copyrights of any images that are submitted to TPG.
No resale of or exchange of images will occur by TPG. All images contained herein or attached to this website are the property of the artist and the artist retains the sole copyright and all applicable rights to said images. No images may be copied or downloaded from this website.
Artists should read the website's Terms and Conditions page and entry into any art competition conducted by TPG, the artist is agreeing to the Terms and Conditions. and Privacy Policy.
Any questions? Contact us at:


Privacy Policy

Contact Information:
The Pearview Gallery’s mailing lists, participating artist lists, and addresses are entered into our site’s email system are never sold, rented, traded, leased, bartered, or otherwise disclosed. We don't appreciate receiving spam and know you don't wish to either.
The Pearview Gallery’s participating artists who provide public contact information (public email address, phone numbers, addresses, websites, etc.) do so at their own risk. Participating artists do not need to provide any public contact information, although we do require current contact information for our records if we need to contact you. If someone tries to contact you via our site if you have not provided public information, their message will be forwarded to the member to respect the member's privacy.

Financial Information:
All payments made to The Pearview Gallery or for goods and services via The Pearview Gallery’s website is handled by our secure third-party service provider, and not by The Pearview Gallery. The Pearview Gallery will never have access to anyone’s financial records and shall remain confidential.

Opt Out of Emails:
The Pearview Gallery sends out a monthly newsletter. To opt out, your options include responding to one of our emails with REMOVE or UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject heading or contact us directly with your request: info@The Pearview Gallery.  We know how quickly email adds up and will be happy to accommodate you.

The Pearview Gallery reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify its Privacy Policy.   The Pearview Gallery is not liable for any contact information which is not up to date.  You agree that The Pearview Gallery shall not be liable to you or any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Service, any document, information or other content on the Site.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Policy:
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), across the European Union has laws that provide consumers with more control over their personal data. The Pearview Gallery is fully aligned with the GDPR mission for a safe and secure Internet. We embrace your privacy as a subscriber to The Pearview Gallery and are committed to your right to privacy and to being transparent about how and why we store your data. When you sign up as a subscriber to any The Pearview Gallery mailing list we use your personal data (name and e-mail address) exclusively for sending you our email newsletter. Your personal data is important to us and will not be shared with third parties. You may choose to unsubscribe from our newsletter and email list at any time and will have the option to click an unsubscribe link with every email you receive from us.  

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© 2024 by The Pearview Gallery


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